Friday, May 7, 2010

It had to happen eventually...

11.25 Miles
43 Degrees

Now that the snow has melted and the wind is blowing less than 30 mph I decided to go for a ride today at Riverfront Park.  It seemed like it would be the least muddy of my regular mountain bike rides.  Although I shivered at first, I had a great time and even caught some good air on some of the jumps. 

Around the time that I needed to turn around I found a small single track trail headed toward the lake.  I had some time to kill so I took the challenge and rode off into the trees and brush.   Now what happened next didn't surprise me but I wasn't quite ready for it either.  Although I'd never been on this particular trail before, I had been in the general area and I knew that I'd find dense brush and rough trails ahead.  In fact, I fully expected to have to turn around thinking the trail might be impassable (for bikes).  When I got into the brush the trail seemed pretty doable.  As I cranked along I forgot all of my previous concerns and just enjoyed the ride.  Then it happened.  Immediately ahead the trail turned around a tree.  As I rounded the tree the trail took another sharp turn.  I couldn't make the turn and I didn't want to run into the brush in front of me so I hit the brakes and unclipped one foot from my pedal.  Unfortunately I was leaning the other way so my free foot did me no good.  I tried unclipping the other foot but it was pinned up against some brush and I just couldn't get out in time.   
Yep, I went down into the mud and brush.  Nothing was hurt but my pride.  I got up and walked my bike down the trail another 20 yards or so before the brush opened up enough that I could mount again.  When I got back to the main trail I had to stop and pluck all of the burrs from my clothing. 

Now I've fallen several times because I couldn't pull my shoes out of pedal cages which I've sworn off using cages and switched to clipless pedals.  I have now officially had my first clipless pedal falling experience.  That's gotta be some kind of cyclists' rite of passage.

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